Business Development & Marketing Consultancy Chester | New Oxygen

developing innovative strategies


New Oxygen is a Business Development, Sales & Marketing Consultancy, founded by Kerry Briggs-Wood, and as the strapline suggests, we really do breathe life into Business. 
Quite simply, New Oxygen supports companies to innovate, grow, and develop their business. Following an initial consultation, we work closely with you to establish your past performance and current position in the market.  
Following this analysis we can identify new opportunities, find diverse business growth areas, and implement a creative marketing plan, while also identifying and overcoming any business challenges. We then determine relevant solutions, by developing this plan to expand the business further, and ultimately make it increasingly healthy and profitable.


"Kerry has really supported my business since we have been working together, she has been like a breath of fresh air and has added huge value to my company growth"

Paul Rowe - Carribbean Fusion Cuisine

“We have had great support from New Oxygen. They sourced the correct advertising format to provide us with maximum exposure to our target audience. They took the hassle out of me having to be involved, allowing me to focus on lead conversion”

Lee Shrubsole - GM Seat Warrington

New Oxygen 
Unit 2, Barrowmore Estate,
Barnhouse Lane, Chester CH3 7JS

07788 554438

2019 New Oxygen Consultancy

Unit 2 Barrowmore Estate, Great Barrow, Chester CH3 7JS